Oakywood.shop Review - Legit or Scam?

Check if oakywood.shop website is legit or scam!

Potentially Legit

Reasons why oakywood.shop might Not be Scam

WHOIS data could be found for oakywood.shop.The website was created 7 years, 122 days ago.

A genuine SSL certificate was detected for oakywood.shop.

The server location could be detected for oakywood.shop at Ottawa, Canada.

Domain age and creation date of oakywood.shop could be detected. Oakywood.shop is 7 years, 122 days old, starting from 09-May-2017 to 08-Sep-2024.

Reasons why oakywood.shop might be Scam

On WHOIS, the website owner's name is concealed.

We mostly found negative comments on this website.

Either highly good or negative reviews can be found.

oakywood.shop seems to be a safe website and does not appear to be a scam

The server location could be detected for oakywood shop at Ottawa, Canada.

Domain age and creation date of oakywood shop could be detected. Oakywood.shop is 7 years, 122 days old, starting from 09-May-2017 to 08-Sep-2024.

A trusted seal or certificate from the same organisation that runs the website you're trying to access can be found on a reputable and safe website.

A padlock is also displayed in the URL field of Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari to denote trustworthy websites.

Scam websites are deceptive sites created to trick people for a variety of reasons, such as monetary gain, identity theft, or the propagation of malware.

In order to acquire users' confidence and take advantage of their personal information or device vulnerabilities, these websites frequently pose as reliable companies, organisations, or governmental bodies.

Phishing sites, fake online stores, tech support scams, and investment scams are examples of common website scams.


Website: oakywood.shop

The server location could be detected for oakywood.shop at Ottawa, Canada.

Domain age and creation date of oakywood.shop could be detected. Oakywood.shop is 7 years, 122 days old, starting from 09-May-2017 to 08-Sep-2024.

Oakywood shop is registered under .SHOP top-level domain.

The last verification results, performed on (Jul 26, 2024) oakywood.shop show that oakywood.shop has a valid and up-to-date SSL certificate issued by Let's Encrypt (will expire on Oct 23, 2024).

In accordance with Google Safe Browsing oakywood.shop is pretty a safe domain.

Oakywood.shop's Meta Title

Oakywood.shop's Meta Title Could Not Be Found

Oakywood.shop's Meta Description

Oakywood.shop's Meta Description Could Not Be Found

Oakywood.shop's Domain Age

Oakywood.shop is 7 years, 122 days old!

Oakywood.shop's Creation Date

Oakywood.shop was created on 09-May-2017!

Check the WOT Trust Rating of oakywood.shop!

Check the Scorecard Report for oakywood.shop on WOT.

Request a site review for oakywood.shop.

Millions of users use the browser extension WOT to rate websites and online stores.

Someone must have had a negative encounter for the site to get a low WOT trust rating.

Request a site evaluation from WOT if your website has a poor rating.

Knowing the following elements and characteristics of a genuine website is a great place to start when determining if a website is secure and authentic -
  • Proper URL - One of the most popular phishing tricks is to imitate the original URL while building a website that is virtually identical to the actual thing. Cybercriminals frequently alter the domain extension or misspell the URL. You could use Googles Safe Browsing Transparency Report to do a website credibility check.
  • HTTPS Connection - Legit websites have these security indicators: the Padlock Icon or the Green Address Bar when doing a site legit check.
  • High-quality Content - Reputable, reliable websites have high-quality content and make sure their texts are error-free.
  • Registered Web Address - Every domain must register its web address or URL, often with the assistance of a domain registrar. The identity of the person or business that owns the domain may be found out for free, and knowing this information can help you assess if the website is legitimate or a hoax.
  • Reviews and Social Media Presence - The majority of trustworthy companies are active on social media. While fake Facebook or Twitter logos may appear on scam websites, they are not connected to actual accounts. You can tell if a website is real by looking at the evaluations that respectable users have left on them. If they frequently use poor language, all sound the same, or are brand-new, they could not be authentic. Additionally, if there aren't enough reviews to read, it raises suspicion.
Scam websites may be quite complex and challenging to recognise. However, several warning signals might assist you in spotting such frauds -
  • Suspicious URLs - Check the web address for typos, odd domain extensions, or additional characters.
  • Poor Design and Content - Scam websites may be unprofessionally designed or include outdated material or grammatical problems.
  • Unsecured Connections - To encrypt data, legitimate websites utilise HTTPS. To check if a website is safe, look for a padlock icon in the URL bar.
  • Unrealistic Offers - Offers that sound unrealistically good to be true or that demand immediate action should be avoided.
  • Limited Contact Information - It can be challenging to confirm the credibility of scam websites since they sometimes provide merely an email address or improper contact information.

Check if oakywood.shop uses and HTTPS Connection!

An HTTPS Connection was detected for oakywood.shop.

A website that processes payments and sensitive user data has to use HTTPS.

All communication between the user and the website is guaranteed to be secured thanks to the HTTPS connection.

Personal websites, including blogs and online portfolios, should also have an HTTPS connection to enhance their credibility.

It is suggested that users don't purchase anything from an online store that does not have an HTTPS Connection.

SSL Information
Domain oakywood.shop
Issuer R10 (Let's Encrypt)
Algorithm RSA-SHA256
Valid from 25-Jul-2024
Expiration 23-Oct-2024
Signed Certificate is not self signed
Additional Domains

Last Updated: 28-Jul-24
Unknown status.
We gather website safety and reputation data and compare it with available third-party sources so we calculate own safety and trustworthiness rate based on information that we get.
Google Safe Browsing
Last Updated: 28-Jul-24
oakywood.shop is not safe.
Google Safe Browsing notifies when websites are compromised by malicious actors. These protections work across Google products and provide a safer online experience.
Site Advisor
Last Updated: 28-Jul-24
oakywood.shop is safe.
McAfee assesses oakywood.shop for a meaningful set of security threats. Featured dangers from annoying pop-ups to hidden Trojans, that can steal your identity, will be revealed. McAfee does not analyze oakywood.shop for mature or inappropriate content, only security checks are evaluated.

Domain Name: oakywood.shop

Updated Date: 26-Jul-24

Creation Date - Expiry Date -

Server is busy now, please try again later.

Check where the server of oakywood.shop is located!


A server location could be detected for oakywood.shop!

Ottawa, Canada

Why does the server location of oakywood.shop matter?
  • The location of your server influences website speed.
  • The location of your server impacts SEO rankings.
  • The location of your server impacts legal compliance.